#10 - Transmission: Best Bittorent Client

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#10 On the list of "Top 10 Mac Applications" is Transmission.


Transmission is definitely my favorite of all the bittorent clients. If you want to know the runner up though it would have to be Azureus, so that's what I'll compare it to

Azureus does have a ton of features, way more then Transmission, and that's great... but do you really need them all? Not me! Most people change one thing and leave it at that.

There are other things (like RSS) that Azureus does that Transmission doesn't but I don't need them that much.

I have chosen Transmission over Azureus because it just flat out works better on Mac. That and it also looks MUCH nicer and cleaner then Azureus.

You'll also find it's much more easier to set up then Azureus. You can go into preferences and it has tabs that even a beginner could understand.I've used both. images.jpg

Azureus and it's many features were great for really customizing the client. However on the other hand it was slow and just doesn't look like a mac app. Transmission on the other hand just works. It's small, simple, fast and just gets the job done.

Check out Azureus too, but for something quick to get the job done, Transmission is the way to go.

Transmission Website: http://www.transmissionbt.com/