How To Port Forward: Time Capsule

| Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 359 comments |

If you don't know what that means, here's a definition:

"Port forwarding (sometimes referred to as tunneling) is the act of forwarding a network port from one network node to another. This technique can allow an external user to reach a port on a private IP address (inside a LAN) from the outside via a NAT-enabled router."

I'm sure port forwarding has many uses, but the main one I know is for BitTorrent. Configuring your router for Bittorent will make your downloads go much faster. I've seen guides on how to do this for every router imaginable at but it doesn't say how to configure an Apple Time Capsule.

So here it is:

How To Port Forward: Time Capsule

Before doing anything, make sure you are connected to your Time Capsule's network.

Step #1: Find out your IP

Open: System Preferences > Network

There you will see how you are connected to the internet. Under "Status" it will say the network and the IP address. Write down the IP.


Step #2: Choose a port to forward and enter it in

The best ones are 49152–65534 but any will work. Once you've got one open up your Bittorent client and enter it in. I'm using Azureus and Transmission.

In Azureus it's done by clicking: Vuze > Preferences > Connection. Enter it in where it says "Incoming TCP / UDP listen port".

Picture 2.png

In Transmission it's done by clicking: Transmission > Preferences > Network. Enter it in where it says "Incoming TCP port".

Picture 3.png

Step #3: Open AirPort Utility

It's in Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility

Picture 4.png

Step #4: Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol

When you open AirPort Utility you get a window that shows all the different things your connected to. Double-Click the Time Capsule one you want to configure.

Picture 5.jpg

This will open a window that gives you access to all the Time Capsule's settings.

Click the "Internet" tab and make sure the checkbox "Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol" is selected.


Step #5: Configure Port Mappings

Click the button right under "Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol" that says "Configure Port Mappings".

This will take you to a screen that is accessible under: Advanced > Port Mapping.

Here it shows an "Allowed" list. We want to add the port you chose to it. Click the + sign under the list.

Ignore the part that says "Service". The 4 private and public port boxes enter the port you chose. In the "Private IP Address" box put the IP you wrote down earlier.

Port Mapping.jpg

When your done click continue.

The next part isn't too important. Name it whatever you want in the Description box (I did the name of the bittorent client) and click "Done".

Step #6: Update Time Capsule

Once you click done you may be asked if you want to update the changes. Click yes. Your Time Capsule will restart and save the changes.

Step #7: Enjoy!

Now that your time capsule is configured properly you should notice faster download speeds. Enjoy!

Hotmail Fix For MacFreePops Users

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Starting late June, I noticed that my Hotmail messages had stopped downloading. I searched and found other MacFreePops users had been experiencing the same problems.

If you are one of them, don't worry any more. There has been a patch made (credit to CDMackie). It doesn't only fix the problem but some other things too.

Unzip the file and stick it in MacFreePops plugin folder.

The file can be found here:

It's the 5th post by CDMackie.

Check it out.

Sign The Petition Against Rogers

| Labels: , , , , , , , , , , | 8 comments |


With Apple announcing that the iPhone would be coming to Canada I got very excited.

Finally the coolest phone of the market would make its debut here. Thousands of people were excited to get their hands on the phone that had been acclaimed one of the greatest inventions of 2007.

But the excitement would only last so long.

Rogers will be the carrier for the iPhone in Canada... the only carrier.

They have decided to obviously take advantage of the fact they will be the only providers by jacking up the price, way beyond what it has been set in other countries. People here have been astonished and quite pissed off to say the least.

In a step to fight back against unfair prices to Canadians, a petition has been created that will be delivered to Rogers on the day of the launch.

At this moment the number of people who have signed is 47,344! Do your part too by signing the petition.

You can sign it here or at:

Get your friends and family to sign as well, the more the better!

Its time to fight back.

Alternating Background Images

| Labels: , , , , , , | 13 comments |

Having the same picture for your background gets boring. I prefer a new one each time I log in, something cool I found out you can do on your mac.

To start, make a folder with all your desired background images. Call it something like "Backgrounds" and put it in your picture folder. This is going to be where you can put pictures you want to have as a background.

Now we can set up the background settings.

  1. Open up "System Preferences" > Desktop & Screen Saver.
    System Preferences.jpg
  2. Make sure your in the "Desktop" section.
    Picture 2.png
  3. Add your "Backgrounds" folder by clicking the + button.
    Picture 3.png
  4. Click the "Change Picture" checkbox and choose how often you want your background to alternate.
    Picture 1.png

And your done!

You can also select "Random Order" if you want as well as change how the picture is shown (such as "Fill Screen", "Tile", "Center", etc.).

Enjoy giving your computer a new look each time you login.

5 Of The Best Free Mac Games

| Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 12 comments |

new xbox wireless controller[2].jpg

Games are a great for when you get bored. I like to have a few on my computer for whenever I need to kill some time. Here are my 5 favorites that are fun...and free!

  1. Sauerbraten:
    Proof that not all free games are simple and boring. Sauerbraten is a great 1st Person shooter game. Your can play it by yourself but when you get bored of that you can also play online. With tons of different levels and the ability to make your own, Sauerbraten is definitely one of my most favorite free games.
    Click Here for more information.

  2. Quinn:
    Want something more classic and simple? Try Quinn!
    I would have to say it's the nicest free Tetris I've ever played. You can play on the same computer with your friend, or over the internet as well. The entire game graphics are customizable so you can even make it look just how you like. Fans of Tetris definitely need to check this game out.
    Click Here for more information.

  3. Stepmania:
    Dance Dance Revolution is definitely one of the coolest games I know. It's not as good on a computer, but it's still a party to play. Stepmania is a free DDR type game for mac. Great fun!
    Click Here for more information.

  4. Pac The Man X:
    Once again another classic game for the mac. Pac Man. Pac the Man X has the classic feel and at the same time a newer sort of look. You can play with 1 or 2 players at a time, on over 130 levels. Not enough? You can even make your own. Another really nice classic game.
    Click Here for more information.

  5. SuperTuxKart:
    I think I've covered everything except one other type of game. Racing!
    This game reminds me a lot of mario kart. You can play as a wide range of characters in different game modes. Your friends can also join in because it allows you to play against up to 4 people.
    Click Here for more information.

Who ever said you need money to have fun? Try these games, I'm sure you'll be impressed at the quality.

Happy Gaming!

How-To Set Up A Hotmail Account On Mac Mail - Complete Guide

| Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 105 comments |

Hotmail is one of the most popular email services out there. Millions of people use it (including me) and its great. But that said I do have one big problem with it...

Hotmail doesn't work with any mail client unless you buy a premium membership!

This means it doesn't work with Mac Mail or any other email applications for mac. But, luckily there's ways to work around this. If you've ever wanted to use your Hotmail, Windows Live or MSN email with Mac Mail this is how to do it.

Solution #1 - Switch Your Email

The best solution is to switch to a service that does work with Mac Mail (I'd suggest Gmail).

You may not want to do this but it's the best in the long run. I'm sure many people won't want to do this if everyone they know sends them info through their Hotmail address. I too didn't feel like telling everyone to switch.

So if that's the case then here it is.

Solution #2 - Download "MacFreePops"

This is best way I know for getting your mail out of hotmail. You may have heard of "httpmail". I've tried it and it failed, so I'll show you how I got it to work with MacFreePops.

  1. Download and Install MacFreePops
    Click here to get MacFreePops. Once it's downloaded move it to your application folder.

  2. Open Mac Free Pops
    When you first open it up the window will look something like this.
    Before you start, make sure Mac Free Pops is updated. Click where it says "Updates Available" to download all the updates. Do this twice to get everything, after the second time don't worry if it says there are updates.
    Next check all the options you want. I've circled all the ones I have but you can do whatever you like.

  3. Check You Have The Right Settings and Start MacFreePops
    Click "freepopsd service". Make sure that window looks like this. Check that the circled things are set right too. When your all done click "Start freepopsd service".
  4. Make a New Mail Account
    Open up Mail. Click "File > Add Account...".
    Start setting up your new account by entering your Name, Complete email and Email password. Click "Continue" when your done.
    Next you're asked to setup your Incoming Mail Server. To do this:
    1. Set the account type to POP.
    2. Enter any description you like.
    3. Set "" as your Incoming Mail Server.
    4. Make sure the user name is your FULL email (includes the,,, etc.).
    5. Click Continue.

    If you get an error message ignore it and keep going.


    Ignore "Incoming Mail Security" and keep going to "Outgoing Mail Server". For this:

    1. Put in any description you like.
    2. For my outgoing mail server I use "".
      I believe it works without authentication. If not you can set up a gmail account for free and use put in your user name and password for authentication. Try without authentication first and see how it goes. You can keep "Use only this server" checked.
    3. Click Continue.

    Mail will then take you to a summary of all your settings. Make sure everything looks right and click "Create".

  5. Modify Your New Account's Settings

    The last thing you need to do is change a few account settings. Open Mail again and click "Mail > Preferences".


    To finish setting up your account:

    1. Go to the "Accounts" section.
    2. Choose the account you just created from the left-hand menu.
    3. Go to the "Advanced" section.
    4. Make sure "Enable this account" is checked.
    5. Make sure "Include when automatically checking for new mail" is checked.
    6. I would suggest unchecking "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message:". If you ever need to switch back to using Hotmail the old way, all your e-mails will be gone. Better to just leave them.
    7. Change the port to "2000".


    Congratulations, your done!

Now whenever you click "Get Mail", Mac Mail will check your hotmail account for e-mails.
If it doesn't work, you probably have quit MacFreePops. Make sure it is open and that the service is running.
Now checking your email can be a lot quicker. Good Luck!

ScreenShade - Save Your Eyes and Battery

| Labels: , , , , , , , , , | 14 comments |

Have you ever notice how bright your Macs screen is?

Pretty bright. It's set like this mainly because a bright screen is a beautiful screen. screenshade-1_128.png

Sure, you want it to have a certain level of brightness, too dark and you can't see what your doing. But do you realize how bright your screen really is? Turn off the lights and i'd not be surprised if the screen lit up the whole room.

If your on a Macbook or Macbook Pro, the screen is a big battery drainer. You can make your computer stay alive longer by dimming the screen to a different level.

Bright screens are also not good for your eyes. Sitting all day, looking at a screen is bad enough, let alone having the screen be as bright as a lightbulb.


1. Go to System Preferences > Displays and check "Automatically adjust brightness as ambient light changes".
This will make the screen automatically adjust to the correct brightness level.

2. Download ScreenShade. It's a free application that let's you further adjust your screen brightness. Even the lowest brightness level is too bright in some places, screen shade let's you go even lower to get the perfect setting.


Your eyes will thank you and your computer will run longer.