How To Port Forward: Time Capsule

If you don't know what that means, here's a definition:

"Port forwarding (sometimes referred to as tunneling) is the act of forwarding a network port from one network node to another. This technique can allow an external user to reach a port on a private IP address (inside a LAN) from the outside via a NAT-enabled router."

I'm sure port forwarding has many uses, but the main one I know is for BitTorrent. Configuring your router for Bittorent will make your downloads go much faster. I've seen guides on how to do this for every router imaginable at but it doesn't say how to configure an Apple Time Capsule.

So here it is:

How To Port Forward: Time Capsule

Before doing anything, make sure you are connected to your Time Capsule's network.

Step #1: Find out your IP

Open: System Preferences > Network

There you will see how you are connected to the internet. Under "Status" it will say the network and the IP address. Write down the IP.


Step #2: Choose a port to forward and enter it in

The best ones are 49152–65534 but any will work. Once you've got one open up your Bittorent client and enter it in. I'm using Azureus and Transmission.

In Azureus it's done by clicking: Vuze > Preferences > Connection. Enter it in where it says "Incoming TCP / UDP listen port".

Picture 2.png

In Transmission it's done by clicking: Transmission > Preferences > Network. Enter it in where it says "Incoming TCP port".

Picture 3.png

Step #3: Open AirPort Utility

It's in Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility

Picture 4.png

Step #4: Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol

When you open AirPort Utility you get a window that shows all the different things your connected to. Double-Click the Time Capsule one you want to configure.

Picture 5.jpg

This will open a window that gives you access to all the Time Capsule's settings.

Click the "Internet" tab and make sure the checkbox "Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol" is selected.


Step #5: Configure Port Mappings

Click the button right under "Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol" that says "Configure Port Mappings".

This will take you to a screen that is accessible under: Advanced > Port Mapping.

Here it shows an "Allowed" list. We want to add the port you chose to it. Click the + sign under the list.

Ignore the part that says "Service". The 4 private and public port boxes enter the port you chose. In the "Private IP Address" box put the IP you wrote down earlier.

Port Mapping.jpg

When your done click continue.

The next part isn't too important. Name it whatever you want in the Description box (I did the name of the bittorent client) and click "Done".

Step #6: Update Time Capsule

Once you click done you may be asked if you want to update the changes. Click yes. Your Time Capsule will restart and save the changes.

Step #7: Enjoy!

Now that your time capsule is configured properly you should notice faster download speeds. Enjoy!


  1. Great guide! Damn hard finding anything on TC and port mapping, so big thank you!!

  2. Thanks so much, man, can't believe it ended up being that easy. One thing though: now, at last I see one green smiley in my azureus tracker, but still some blues... how do I know that I am in fact clever?

  3. thank you thank you thank you!

    my downloads just got 10 times faster - no if only my brain could port forward so easily...

  4. very helpful - thanks!

  5. Finally, clear instructions on port mapping for Time Capsule, including specifics for public and private ports and even the exact IP to use. A million thanks!

  6. great guide, but in transmission my port is still closed. any ideas?


  7. i'm glad to have found this 'how to' page, too! but i'm having one problem... i can't get time capsule prefs to accept my 'dhcp ending address.' i'm trying to use the same number listed as 'dhcp ending address' from within my netopia router, but no go... can't progress forward without solving this little dilemma...

    any help would be most appreciated!

    thx, and happy new year!

  8. Thanks very much for taking the time to put this together! The Airport Extreme/Time Capsule seemes to be oft neglected as far as tutorials go.

    It was the tiniest thing I was missing and this helped me forward my ports for Transmission's Web UI. I can now see my torrents on my iPhone.

    Thx again!

  9. Thank you for the guide. My downloads went from 9k-35k to 45k-335k. Saving oodles of time. Thank you!

  10. man i did exactly what you said, still wont open, whats up?

  11. I tried, but the door is still closed.
    Two things I don't understand (and perhaps I did wrong?):
    in step2:
    that number 49152-65534, where must be entered?
    And, moreover, in the window shown in step 2, there's a green light near the port number (for my Transmission is 51413), while in mine there's a red light, saying "door closed".
    Any more help, please?
    Grazie e ciao! (I'm writing from Italy...)

  12. Thank you very much sir.

  13. THANK YOU!!!!! Im very grateful for this.
    And about the comment number 12 from a anonymous, here is the problem: you said a about the numbers 49152-65534, right?! But you didn't read right. Its BETWEEN this numbers, so put 51051 on Vuze AND on the config. of your Time Capsule Port Foewarding.


    See ya,

    Gabriel Abe - Brazil

  14. Great guide, really easy, sound and clear. Now the problem: I don't see any difference after opening the port.

    Using Azureus, light is green and faces are smiling, but the dl speed is the same it was before when nat light was red.

    How it's possible?

  15. grea ifo... thanx,

  16. still says port is closed fore me

  17. I have the same problem as number 8 with the DHCP ending address, how do I fix it?

  18. Dear,
    thanks a lot! it has worked properly.


  19. I am so frustrated by this whole deal. Things were just "supposed to work" with a Mac. Have spent all morning mapping ports, following this guide and that.

    I have a new Macbook Pro, new Time Capsule, am using Transmission (using version 1.54 now but used 1.72 earlier), am in Hong Kong (so maybe it's an issue with ISP?) but cannot get that port open.

    I would shower with gold (well drinks, anyway) anyone who can get this to work. I am ageing rapidly...

  20. This is the debug log after i toggled "automatically map port"

    2009-07-09 06:03:09 +0100 natpmp.c:73 [Debug] Port Forwarding (NAT-PMP): readnatpmpresponseorretry failed. natpmp returned -7 (the gateway does not support nat-pmp); errno is 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
    2009-07-09 06:03:09 +0100 port-forwarding.c:101 [Info] Port Forwarding: State changed from "Stopping" to "???"
    2009-07-09 06:03:10 +0100 natpmp.c:68 [Info] Port Forwarding (NAT-PMP): sendnewportmappingrequest succeeded (12)
    2009-07-09 06:03:10 +0100 port-forwarding.c:101 [Info] Port Forwarding: State changed from "???" to "Stopping"

  21. I'm having problems with this. The instructions SEEM to be so clear, but I can't get it to work.
    I'm trying to set up this for AVS Server, which streams your iSight camera to you on your iPhone.
    I have a cable modem always connected, and then an Apple Extreme router which distributes manual IPs to my computers.
    When I look at the Network pane, I see that my external IP is (for example) but that the external IP of my router is (for example)
    What should I use for my settings?

  22. Thank you!!! This guide was extremely helpful!

  23. I used this guide some weeks back and it tenfolded my download speed. After installing a Vuze update something went haywire with my settings and my download speed was back to the previous pitiful state again.

    I spent half an hour googling to find your blog again (no other page covered this problem even half so well) and now it's safely tucked away among my favorites.

    Using your walk-through fixed everything again! I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am that there are people like you out there, who put time and effort into sharing your knowledge with the more confused of us! Thank you!!!

  24. FIIINNNNAAAALLLY ! thank you than you ! i had switched locations , and couldn't figure out how i did this last time and all the other posts online are uber complicated , you made this as easy as it should be ! thanx again!

  25. iWorked like a charme. Thanks!!! Finally a green smiley, and so easy.

  26. I also have followed this very well laid out instruction but alas I still have a closed port on Transmission! HELP!

  27. YES!

    Okay, after several hours of searching for a solution to this problem I gave up and decided to tinker myself with the multitude of options within Airport Utility.

    I found something which finally got me the most coveted green 'Port is Open' message.

    After having followed the above guide I simply went into the 'Internet' section of Airport Utility and then the 'Internet Connection' tab, I changed the 'Connection Sharing' drop down option from 'Share a Public IP address' to 'Off (Bridge Mode).

    Updated, and refreshed Transmission and then BING, green light!!!!

  28. This is great but my Time Capsule changes the last digit of its ip address everytime I do this? What am I doing wrong? Your directions are simple....ugh please help.

  29. The problem with bridge mode, is that you have zero protection from the internet. All your local machines will be live and visible on the net, and almost certainly be port scanned constantly.
    The NAT feature hides your machine behind a wall, and only lets packets back in that your machine asked for.
    Except in theory the ones you open back up again with port forwarding..

  30. Gord Wait:
    Fair point, any suggestion then as to why the above guide is still not working for me?

    This has to be the single and most frustrating issue I have experienced thus far as a new Mac User!

    Someone please help!

  31. okay.... me again. For those still searching for an answer to this I may have found the solution (for me anyway). I've got the green 'port is open' light in Transmission, and I am not using bridge mode. I ended googling my modem and found the link to changes settings directly to the hardware, and added port forwarding rules directly to the modem. I don't completely understand this to be truthful but it has something to do with Dual Nat layers (one already on the modem, the other by the Airport Extreme/Time Capsule.

    I can only hope there are no hidden side effects to this and that this issue is resolved once and for all. Hope this information helps anyone else out there with similar issues. Good Luck!

  32. It wasn't working for me either but after I read Christian's comment, I set it up on my modem, and it finally worked! Thanks, Christian!

  33. not sure if time capsule the same but to set a static ip in snow leopard you open network preferences/network/airport, click advanced then the tcp/ip tab, you need to change the configure IPv4 Using DHCP to using dhcp with manual address then you set the IPv4 address manually, which should be same as router address with last set different, ie, a netgear router has ip address os so IPv4 would be 192.168.1.number of your choosing. you should then be able to configure the ip to time machine from what i read here, again i don't have a time capsule i have a netgear router but i do NOT set auto port mapping in transmission, nor do i randomize port, i set my port manually, and go to router and set a port forward rule with the exact same ip as described in the original thread, i have my firewall on and run in stealth mode and have had 0 issues

  34. Hi, I have a TC and port mapping is configured. However, we have to replace the TC with a Cisco 1841 router. I am stuck with how to transfer the current port mappings on the TC to the Cisco router.
    Grateful for your help.

  35. I have a NAS at home and want to access it through the Internet at work. What port should I use? I have already set up an address at but do I need to add the port I port forwarded to the address with a colon? Sorry guys & dolls. I'm a newbie. Obviously.

  36. Very useful post. This blog is good source of Mac issues and their solutions.

  37. A very clever move. Nice update on the niche of mac industry.

  38. Thanks a lot! The other instructions I found seemed to apply to a previous version of the Airport Utility.

  39. Hello, thanks for posting this information, I was trying to find information on this topic –this was very helpful.

  40. Thank you very much !!!!! It works perfectly !!!

  41. Wow, this was perfect! I had been futzing around with how to do this for a while and this was great! Downloads are much faster!

    For the people who use Transmission for whom it is not working: make sure you click "Update" in AirPort Utility, and then go to the Transmission port input box and hit enter, so that it checks if it is open. It should turn green.

  42. Thanks so much! Green smileys all the way!

  43. Really very helpful post, it's a clever move to to get Mac solutions

  44. That for this great detailed guide & info. On Time capsule, which I have been looking for, this niche would really be helpful for mac users in order to find issues with their system. Mac data recovery software is helpful to be used in all situations of data loss from Mac system.

  45. Thanks man. Well written and it worked great!

  46. Cheers, worked wonders for me.

  47. Thank you for your blog post. I'm looking at this because I'm trying to figure out how to forward FTP but it doesn't seem to work. I'm also using a free DDNS updater to keep my domain updated since I can't afford the rent on a static IP. I've been searching forever and still can't figure out how to get the FTP to be accessible on the internet, not just on my local network. My port TCP/21 is forwarded but port TCP/20 is stealth when I scan the ports. even though I've forwarded it. Does Port TCP/20 have to be open? How Do I set up Passive ftp? I need this because my ftp server is behind a NAT and if the remote computer is behind their NAT how can we use FTP? I'm using Microsoft IIS for the FTP server software. I hope someone can help. thanks in advance.

  48. how do you do it on a pc

  49. Thanks to give us this important piece of information on Port forwarding in Time Capsule. I am sure that it helps many of us who always says that their bittorrent downloads are very slow. I had tried and it works like a charm. thanks.

  50. many thank !! very simple easy to follow guide, you helped me out a lot

  51. Okay, I have a time capsule (my dad has a mac) but i want to know how to do this from my laptop which uses Windows 7. Any ideas?

  52. Hi there - Airport Utility just released an update that messed up my port forwarding in Transmission - could you provide updated 'how to' guide based on the new menu in Time Capsule and Airport Utility - it won't let me assign the IP address I wrote down from under network preferences to the port - it says there is some sort of conflict.

    Any advice you could offer would be much appreciated!

  53. ps - here is the error message:

    "The DHCP range you have entered conflicts with the WAN IP address of your base station."

  54. Scratch the above 2 comments - I fixed it! just had to pick a new ip under network preferences of the 10.0 variety - it had reassigned me a 192.168 type and that wasn't working . . . .

  55. The information u shared with us was really very nice and I am really looking forward to visit this site in the future...

  56. Good article, I must admit! I will save it for my future reference..

  57. The infromation given in the article is really benificial. I have bookmarked it so that I could use it in future. Thanks a lot for such a fruitful article.

  58. I hope this works for a mine craft server

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  60. Can someone please share an update to this post using the new menu configurations for Time Capsule and Airport Utility? This is a great article and looks like it worked great! Unfortunately I can not follow the directions fully bases on the new options.

  61. Oh Yeah! This works PERFECTLY! All green across the Vuze board as soon as my Time Capsule refreshed with your instructions!

    This worked in SEP 2012 with Mountain Lion 10.8.2 as well as Vuze version

    AWESOME!! Thanks for saving me more hours of searching Google, Apple Support and elsewhere. This is the ONLY answer!

  62. Nice article which solve my problem. Thanks for sharing.

  63. Hi Guys,

    Just a question. If I am right it works only with your Mac turned on? (So time capsule is not downloading by itslef alone without a computer turned on like a NAS is doing)


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  65. Nice article which solve my problem. Thanks for sharing.

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  67. Awesome blog and Great guide, really easy, sound and clear. i like it.. keep it up..

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  68. I have used my Time Capsule for personal and business backups and wireless routing for two years - it has been a terrifically reliable for daily use. Then my laptop was stolen, and when I set up my new one, I was able to use the Time Machine to set up the new Macbook - I can't tell you just how easy the restoration was. I will never go without a Time Machine in my future. Highly recommended.

  69. I have used my Time Capsule for personal and business backups and wireless routing for two years - it has been a terrifically reliable for daily use. Then my laptop was stolen, and when I set up my new one, I was able to use the Time Machine to set up the new Macbook - I can't tell you just how easy the restoration was. I will never go without a Time Machine in my future. Highly recommended. read more

  70. Oh my god thank you so much. There are absolutely no videos for this. Now I'm gonna make my minecraft server!

  71. thank you! i had switched locations , and couldn't figure out how i did this last time and all the other posts online are uber complicated , you made this as easy as it should be ! thanx again!

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  74. Can anyone write an updated version of this for Mac OS X 10.8.4 ???

    It looks very helpful, but everything is different in this version...

  75. Great Blog, a lot of helpful information here and obviously, thank you in your effort,keep posting .

  76. Hey,

    Awesome blog and Great guide, really easy, sound and clear. i like it.. I appreciate your thoughtful explanations keep it up..

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  79. On a Mac OS 10.9, the dialogs were slightly different but the tutorial was good enough to be able to do it anyway. Thanks!

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  98. Very well done! Can anyone tell me whether this works wth a dynamic DHCP in which all our IP numbers change at regular intervals? Maybe this solves that problem and will keep my Transmission machine at the same IP?


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